Ishtiaque Fazlul

Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Management & International Affairs

University of Georgia


I am an applied microeconomist and an Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Management at the College of Public Health, University of Georgia with a joint appointment at the Department of International Affairs, School of Public and International Affairs. My research evaluates how policies and institutions affect health and education and explores ways of better measuring policy-relevant variables in these fields. My work explores how social factors, financing systems, and organizational structures and processes affect health and education. I have published articles on the impact of federal and state health policies on access to and disparities in care; risky health behavior; the social determinants of health; maternal and child health; global health; measurement of student disadvantage; and school funding.  

Before joining UGA, I was a Research Assistant Professor of Economics at Kennesaw State University. Previously, I was a postdoctoral fellow in the Economics Department at the University of Missouri, an AYSPS Dean's Fellow and a Center for the Economic Analysis of Risk (CEAR) Scholar at Georgia State University, a research assistant at the Georgia Policy Labs (GPL), and a research associate at Innovations for Poverty Action.

You can find my departmental web pages here and here

Selected Publications

External Grants

Reports & Policy Briefs

Popular Media